Employer benefits:
- Access to a pool of talented Māori tertiary students. With 44% of the Bay of Plenty’s youth population being Māori, this is an opportunity to develop your future workforce
- Pastoral care and support provided by the programme. Employ students who are well-supported in their cultural needs and in their professional journey.
- Build a diverse and inclusive workplace culture, that reflects the environment your organisation resides in.
- Incorporate a Te Ao Māori perspective into your organisation.
- Build an authentic connection with local Māori communities, while also providing an opportunity to showcase your business.
- Progress a project you may not otherwise have resources for.

How does it work?
Toi Ki Tua's role is:
- Work with you to define and shape your internship placement
- Recruit students* through established relationships with Māori communities and the tertiary sector.
*Our key criteria is that students whakapapa Māori and have a strong connection to the Bay of Plenty, either through whakapapa or residency. - Prepare and provide pastoral support to the interns and employers throughout the placements.
- Run the employer onboarding session, and coordinate all key events (wānanga, site tours, end of programme celebration).
The employer's role is to:
- Provide a paid project-focused professional placement for approx. 10 weeks, for at least one student, over the summer period.
- Provide a work supervisor to oversee the work of the student(s), and a buddy to support the student in 'learning the ropes' and increasing their comfort in a professional environment.
- Support the skill development of their student in a professional environment, whilst committed to their needs as a Māori student.
- Attend the employer onboarding session, the powhiri at the commencement of the programme, and the programme celebration at the end.
- Allow the student, the time to attend the site tours that highlight key parts of the industry.
- Be available to host a site tour (if need be).
Interested in getting involved?
We are seeking employers that are genuinely looking to support rangatahi Māori into higher-value career opportunities and tap into a Māori talent pool.
Register your interest here, or contact the Programme Lead, Katie Hungerford.
Programme timeline
Employer Registrations open
20 July 2024 New employer infomation and onboarding session.
Promoting Opportunities
Programme promoted and students apply.
Short-listing and interviews.
Employers make offers
Student accpts, congratulations, you're on the programme!
MOUs are signed.
Employers make offers
Student accpts, congratulations, you're on the programme!
MOUs are signed.
Onboarding and Training
8 Nov 2024 Employer briefing/onboarding session.
21-22 Nov 2024 student wananga & Eco-tour 1.
23 Nov Programme launch. 27 Nov Placements commence.
Internship Kickoff
13 Dec 2024
Cohort catch-up.
Exploring Opportunities
25 Jan 2025
Reflection and Achievement
13 Feb 2024 Eco-tour 3
14 Feb 2025 Student debrief.
15 Feb 2025 Celebration hui