The programme exists simply to connect Māori tertiary students from Te Moana-a-Toi to high-value work opportunities across the Bay of Plenty – a place where they will contribute into the future.
He aha te tikanga o to tātou ingoa?
Toi represents the descendants of Toi (a shared tupuna of the Bay of Plenty), and Ki Tua means into the future. Toi Ki Tua signifies the descendants of Toi moving into the future with precision and confidence.
Awhina Ngatuere
CEO - Toi Kai Rawa
021 143 7040
Katie Hungerford
Programme Lead - Toi Ki Tua
022 088 8992
Ash Day
Programme Coordinator - Toi Ki Tua
020 416 6154
Through Toi Kai Rawa, Toi Ki Tua consists of a governance board and project implementation team lead by Toi Kai Rawa’s Kaihautū. Toi Kai Rawa's Kaihautū and board retain oversight of the Toi Ki Tua programme.
Toi Kai Rawa's board of trustees is comprised of experienced and highly skilled individuals who have considerable knowledge and contacts within our Māori communities and in key industries throughout the Bay of Plenty and Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Tamarapa Lloyd
Te Horipo Karaitiana
Kerri-Anne Hancock
Marino Tahi
Manu Caddie
Roku Adrian Mihinui
Tatiana Kiwi-Knight
Tia Smith